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Module 1: Overview of the Criminal Justice Process & the Role of Criminal Defence Counsel


30 April 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

This module provides an introductory survey of the criminal justice process. The primary goal is to develop a general understanding of the criminal justice system’s response to crime in society, with emphasis on the origins and purpose of criminal courts, key terminology, the role of the defence counsel and the key stages of a criminal case.  


The criminal defence counsel will understand the ethical obligations to represent a client’s expressed interests and ensure that their rights are sufficiently protected and advanced throughout the life of the case. 

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Foundation

Module 2: Vulnerable Clients 


14 May 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will gain an insight into representing vulnerable clients (which may include young, elderly, or patients suffering from mental illness).


The criminal defence counsel will understand key features of the vulnerable person’s development, how those concepts affect the client’s involvement at all stages of the adult criminal justice system (or in the case of youth, the juvenile courts) and how to use the appropriate arguments to advance the client’s interests and the legal strategies of a case. 

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Intermediate

Module 3: Dealing with Difference - *CHANGE OF VENUE. DETAILS TO FOLLOW


15 October 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand the importance of culturally competent lawyering and will discuss considerations in representing clients from different backgrounds than the lawyer and/or other institutional players in the criminal justice system.  

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Foundation

Module 4: Representations & CCMS 


28 May 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will learn to advance his client’s case and interests by way of letters of representation to the Prosecution. The criminal defence counsel will also learn to engage in Criminal Case Management System (CCMS) discussions with the Prosecution as a pre-trial discovery and plea-bargaining tool.


This module will be jointly presented by a senior Prosecutor and a defence counsel.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Foundation

Module 5: Theory of the Case 1: Developing Case Theory 


26 August 2020 

11.00am - 12.20pm

This module is the first of a 2-part module on how a case theory is developed and subsequently used at trial.


In this 1st module, the criminal defence counsel will learn how to develop a theory of the case that accounts for all of the admissible evidence and relevant law through a persuasive narrative that compels findings favourable to the client. 

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Foundation

Module 6: Theory of the Case 2: Use of Case Theory during a Trial


2 September 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

This module is the second of a 2-part module where the criminal defence counsel will learn to use the theory of the case that he has developed, while at the same time, be aware that this theory may have to be adapted as the trial progresses.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Intermediate 

Module 7: Pre-trial Discovery


25 June 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand the law governing the right to discovery and develop strategies for obtaining all discovery client is entitled to from prosecutor.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Intermediate 

Module 8: Statements & Examination at Trial


2 July 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand the law and strategy of challenging the admissibility of a client’s statement. Understand the law governing the right to cross and learn strategies and techniques needed to develop an effective cross-examination consistent with the case theory.


Defence counsel will also learn strategy, technique and law required to develop an effective direct examination that advances the defence theory of the case. Defence counsel will also understand the law and practice of challenging a client’s competence to stand trial.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Advanced

Module 9: Guilty Plea & Sentencing Options


9 July 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand the law relating to guilty pleas, learn how and when to advise the client in deciding whether to enter a plea and ensure that the client makes only knowing, voluntary, and intelligent waiver of the right to trial.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Advanced

Module 10: Evidence & Impeachment


16 July 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand the importance of investigation, strategy and the mechanics of impeaching prosecution witnesses to advance the defence theory of the case.


The criminal defence counsel will review the rules of evidence and understand the concepts of relevance, probative value, prejudicial effect and the basis on which to object to the admission of evidence.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Advanced

Module 11: Drug Abuse Testing


23 July 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand how certain drugs metabolises in the body, and briefly learn about the metabolic pathways of common drugs of abuse.


Armed with this knowledge, the criminal defence counsel will be in a better position to advice their clients of the merits (or lack thereof) of some of the defences their clients attempt to raise. 

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Intermediate 

Module 12: Experts


30 July 2020

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will consider the benefits of expert testimony in a criminal case, discuss strategy and technique for identifying, hiring, and preparing experts to testify, and will learn to challenge prosecution experts.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Intermediate 

Module 13: Sexual Offences and Vulnerable Victims


6 August 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will be able to challenge allegations of outrage of modesty/rape by a client and address issues unique to a sexual offence case.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Advanced

Module 14: Application for No Case to Answer & Closing Submissions 


13 August 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand the timing, content and law governing the plea of “no case to answer” at the conclusion of the prosecution’s case.


The criminal defence counsel will demonstrate an understanding of strategies and techniques for developing and delivering compelling and effective closing submissions.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Intermediate 

Module 15: Cheating Offences


20 August 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

Participants should be able to address legal and evidential issues unique to cheating offences. This becomes imperative considering recent amendments to the Penal Code which introduced new cheating offences and updated existing ones.


Compared to the AGC which has prosecutors and resources dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of cheating offences, the defence counsel faces challenges when effectively representing defendants accused of cheating. With these limitations in mind, this session offers practical suggestions to address these complexities.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Advanced

Module 16: Drug Cases in light of the amended MDA


27 August 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will be able to effectively and creatively challenge a variety of alleged drug offences.​

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Advanced 

Module 17: The Window between Arrest and Charge


3 September 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will learn to maximise the interests of the client during this window – where exists the best opportunity to avoid being charged. Some lessons include:


  • Learning to protect and advocate on behalf of clients at pre-arrest and pre-interview phases of the criminal justice system.

  • Understanding the importance of zealous advocacy at the mention stage to ensure that bail is granted and will develop skills and strategies to advocate for alternatives to detention at every stage of the process.

  • Learning to interact effectively with key players in a proceeding to further the client’s stated interests and strategic goals in a case.

  • Understanding the critical role of investigation in representing an accused client and develop strategies for effective investigation in every case.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Intermediate 

Module 18: Appeals


10 September 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand the law and mechanics of appeals.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Advanced 

Module 19: Post-Trial Matters *DATE CHANGE*


22 October 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand how to challenge a conviction when all appeals have been exhausted. The criminal defence counsel will understand and be able to provide clients with basic information on the possible immigration consequences associated with criminal charges as well as the possible immigration relief options to avoid deportation.


The criminal defence counsel will understand and be able to provide clients with basic information on the possible immigration consequences associated with criminal charges as well as the possible immigration relief options to avoid deportation.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Advanced 

Module 20: Forensic Science in Criminal Cases


24 September 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

Develop a broader understanding of the situations in criminal cases which might benefit from forensic expert support and revise some of the issues to be aware of when selecting and instructing a forensic expert.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Intermediate 

Module 21: Understanding Probation


1 October 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The session will introduce community-based rehabilitation programmes and discuss how the various programmes complement the criminal justice system.


It will also focus on developing a greater understanding about the rehabilitation and social services perspective in the management of offenders.

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Foundation

Module 22: Dealing with Difference - CANCELLED


8 October 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will understand the importance of culturally competent lawyering and will discuss considerations in representing clients from different backgrounds than the lawyer and/or other institutional players in the criminal justice system.  

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Foundation

Module 23: Interviewing the Client & Others


15 October 2020 

5.00pm - 6.20pm

The criminal defence counsel will learn to effectively interview a client in order to pursue the client’s expressed interests and develop a strong attorney-client relationship. 


The criminal defence counsel will be able to identify and interview important contacts in the client’s life (including family members, friends, teachers, social workers, community members, neighbours, and others connected to the client) in order to gather and document life history to highlight mitigating circumstances, such as mental illness, drug addiction, trauma and/or chronic poverty leading to a client’s involvement in the criminal justice system. 


The criminal defence counsel will be able to appreciate and apply the rules relating to communications with parties interested in the client’s case (i.e. probable and possible Prosecution witnesses). 

Public CPD Points: 1point

Practice Area: Crime 

Training Level: Foundation

Law Society Pro Bono Services

1 Havelock Square I State Courts #B1-18 I Singapore 059724

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